FTA questionnaire for EU Commission
Please find the link to the questionnaires DG TRADE prepared to give stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to provide information on trade matters in the agreement between the EU and the Philippines (FTA). The questionnaires aim at providing the European Commission with information to establish priorities and to take decisions throughout the negotiating process and includes detailed questions in order to capture all possible issues related to the EU's trade interests in the Philippines.
Besides responses to these questions, we would appreciate receiving as specific information as possible (substantiated where possible by economic indicators and/or data) of respondents' interests, prioritization within sectors, and any proposals for solution, where problems have been identified.
The questionnaires can be found online at http://trade.ec.europa.eu/
Thank you for distributing to your stakeholders and please do not hesitate if you need more information.
With best regards and enjoy Easter!
On behalf of:
Walter van Hattum
Head of Economic and Trade Section
EU Delegation to the Philippines
Your BFBC team,