7th European Networking Night
The European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP), in partnership with the British Chamber of
Commerce of the Philippines (BCCP), Belgian-Filipino Business Club (BFBC), French Chamber of Commerce of
the Philippines (FCCP-Le Club), Spanish Chamber (La Camara), German Chambers of Commerce (GPCCI), Italian
Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ICCPI) and the Nordic Business Council (NBCP) invite you to the
7th European Networking Night
31 JAN 2013, THURSDAY, 6:00PM,
ZUELLIG SKY GARDEN at the Zuellig Building,
Makati Avenue, cor. Paseo de Roxas, Makati City
FEE : 1,300 Members 1,600 Non Members
Walk-in 2,000 Php (limited slots)
(maximum capacity of the venue is 300 guests so we recommend that you register early)
This annual event is a great opportunity to expand your contacts and network with the European social and
business community in the Philippines. Cocktail Dinner and Free flowing wines will be served.
We are also inviting Companies who are interested to sponsor and avail of marketing tables in the event.
To register, please complete let us know by January 25, 2013